Dienstag, 3. Dezember 2013
Gel nails !?
Okay sooo this post might be a bit lame. And I haven't been really blogging the past 2 weeks, which was because I got really really sick had to take antibiotics and was dead in bed all day snuggling up with my pillows. When I got better I still was not really in the mood to put something up here! But whatever back to the actual topic of this post haha. I have been in a struggle for months if I should get Gel nails done or notttttttt and it happened on saturday! A friend of mine showed me hers like 2 weeks ago and her nails were done SOOOO pretty so I couldn't resist anymore. At first I couldn't type on my cellphone properly or the computer keyboard I had troubles with doing a lot of other stuff aswel like doing the dishes putting my pants on properly ( I know it sounds weird but they are pretty long for me and I was not used to ever having long nails) But I got used to it after 4 days and they are sooooooooooooooo pretty I love them so much. I did not get a top layer of gel on my nails just because the girl who did my nails just put nailpolish over the dried gel ( I got them in clear not white or pink?) so if I use like Aceton free nailpolish remover I can just get the nailpolish off and put another colour on :D!

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